1.D. 何謂 low skilled 是可以界定的
2.A B 不對因為那是 "cost of driving car",而不是 "cost of purchasing car"
3.D. 利害可以以物品支付 (in kind)
5.C. Continuing education (持續教育)會使人更易轉換工作(學到新野)
7.A. "Cost of calculating commission" 並不低,因要計算工作成績。
8.B. Legal entity(法人)即法律上是個體所以當 owner 離開公司依然可繼續存在。
9.B. MR=MC at output =6. Profit= 3x6-1-4x3
10.D. "The number of workers employed" 是不需要用的,因為已經有 "total working hours"。
11.C. 因為價錢怎麼變總開支均不變,所以 % change in P = % change in Q,為單一彈性。
12.B. Demand for import vegetables rise because it's substitute(替代品)。
14.C. Because option A must be wrong.
15.B. 因為 stamp duty (印花稅)由買方付,會降低其對樓宇的淨價值,所以 D drops. "Tighten control of dumping" 會增加 Supply 的成本因為賣方要清空樓宇才可讓樓宇進行交收。
16.B. Supply curve up by $4, new equilibrium is at $14 at 300 units. Change in total revenue = 12x500-14x300 = 1800.
17.A. price rise by $2 with tax, so buyer bear $2, seller bear $2 (14-12).
19.B. increase in quota(增加配額)的意思是容許更多貨品交易(而不是更少)。
20.D. Gini and Lorenz both shows the income distribution is even or not.
22.B. 200+(40+X+40)+24+10-60+30=264
23.A. nominal GDP is PxQ. Price up(10%) > Output down(2%) --> Nominal GDP UP. Real GDP per capita = real GDP(down 2%) / population(down 10%), 分母跌得多過分子,所以整個分數變大了.
24.D. Because [unemployed (unknown) / labor force (up)],分母變大,分子不肯定變大或小
26.A. Shortrun Net Export rise, Longrun labor shortage so that wage up, SRAS shift left.
27.C. Maximum supported deposit = Reserve x (1/RRR)
28.B. Remitted(匯款)money no longer count in "HK" money supply
29.A. Inter-bank offer rate(銀行同業拆息) is a "market" rate (沒有任何干預).
30.A. Mt down will lower interest rate (因為供應不變). Open market purchase 政府向市民買回債券($會返回公眾),所以Ms會升,利率會進一步跌,所以唔啱.(謝謝網友指正)
31.C. C up make Y up. therefore, T & M up, they are positively related to Y.
32.D. 因為會使美國實質債務減少。Inflation make borrower gains.
33.C. "rental income" subject to property tax, "gratuity and commission" subject to salary tax.
34.C. 這會增加基建設施(即資本增加),所以最大產值(potential GDP)會升
36.D. 降低 income tax rate 會使 AD上升,所以 RRR 上升,會使 interest 上升, AD 便會減少.
37.C. A:1T=1C ; B:1T=2.5C ; A export T, B export C ; only B & C might be correct.
38.B. (2) depends on T.O.T.
39.C. Because in term of Euro, no change in price, but demand shift left.
40.A. D is visible import.
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點解冇PAPER 2既
回覆刪除Paper 2 可以 睇考試局 pastpaper 既 marking scheme.
刪除Please explain 31 a little further thanks
回覆刪除C up make Y up. therefore, T & M up, they are positively related to Y.
C升 > AD升 > 均衡總產出(output/GDP)升 > 經濟表現變好/國民收入升
總產出升/經濟表現變好 > T升(薪俸/利得稅等) 而 G不變 > 預算由平衡變盈餘 surplus
總產出升/國民收入升 > M升(收入升C升,不論是本地貨還是入口貨) 而 X不變(受外國國民收入影響) > 貿易由平衡變亦字 deficit
Q9 why not D
回覆刪除D個答案,係計左喺3件Total Output度,Variable cost(3件x$4=$12) + Fixed cost($1),所以$13。
14.) Why does the demand for taxi would not decrease, when the price increases? Because it is treated as fix cost? But aren't law of demand talks about the total cost (price)?
回覆刪除D個答案,係計左喺3件Total Output度,Variable cost(3件x$4=$12) + Fixed cost($1),所以$13。
係經濟學中,需求(Demand)與需求量(Quantity demanded)有清晰的分別(雖然日常生活中並非如此)。價格影響的,是需求量。簡單講,價格變,需求曲線(demand curve)會變嗎?答案是否定的,所以「需求」不變。
回覆刪除Q23唔明點解求解thanks ��
回覆刪除設 Y = Nominal GDP,
刪除Y = P x Q ... (1)
((1) 式的理解:Nominal GDP 有2個元素,價格水平 及 實質生產量)
在(1)式中,若 P 升 10%,Q 跌 10%,其變化互相抵消,則 Y 不變。
問題中,價升10%,實質生產量跌2%,價的上升未被完全抵消,所以 Nominal GDP 仍會升。
同理,per-capita real GDP = real GDP (Q) ÷ Population (Pop), 若 Q 與 Pop 跌相同幅度則 Per-capita real GDP 不變,現題中 Pop 跌較多,可有兩個理解法:
1)數學理解 - 分母跌幅多於分子,例如 4/8 變 3/4, 數值變大
2)意思理解 - 人口跌幅較多,即 GDP 分比少左人,所以每人分多左
what is T.O.T.?
回覆刪除Term of Trade