atomsphere is good, relaxing, and funny gag is always applied to the economics concept, helped a lot to understand
-Cali Au
計量學(中文班) 評價 (4.31/5) |
Econ High Dip 評價 (5.33/6) |
Quantitative Skills (統計) 評價 (4.73/5) |
Ally Yung 為第二屆的新高中學制學生,中四上學期未搵我補之前,她數學科分數間中出現個位數,平均約十多分。補了約3-4堂後的統測成績已大幅進步至約三十多分,接近合格。之後在我針對性補習下成績不斷改善,每次考試都能合格。
QES(伊利沙伯中學)學生很乖,很高興能令你們喜歡上 Econ,當年我只是剛開始教書,今天已經再做得更好。 |
QES 學生的 Thank-you 卡 |
Fisa Tang 可算是我夜校一名高徒,很高興
能有這樣的學生,很高興可以幫到她 |
Risk to re-take becomes pass with buffer. Master Ronald pointed out the key concepts of the studies accurately and let me understand simply.
回覆刪除Thanks, reliable and smart tutor.
KL, student of Msc China Business Studies in HK Poly U (2011)
Just say thanks with you. Let me easy understanding for my Econ study and prevent fail of exam. Thank a lot Ronald!
回覆刪除Os’Ng, Bachelor of Business Studies in University College Dublin
I am student who currently studying in university college Dulbin and DMS before !
回覆刪除Thanks for helping me a lot to understanding economic!!!
You are really so reliable and smart.
Thanks for your help again
我都想補習呀!PLS CALL 9199 9871, thx!
I am F6 student who study in BPS.I have been taking his lessons for 1 year .The atmosphere of the lesson is very relaxing and though inspiring .Ronald is very helpful ,he will sometimes answer my questions online patiently.
回覆刪除I juz want to thanks you once again for all the help of this year !!!!!
Ronald, thanks for your hearty teaching. I like to attend your lesson the most, as the atomsphere is good, relaxing, and funny gag is always applied to the economics concept, helped a lot to understand. And also, Ronald is willing to answer all my questions in the exercise, and fast reply in details for my exam study questions through email too.
回覆刪除I've got B grade in economic module, thanks a lot Ronald, you are really helpful!
HKMA DMS 2011 autumn
回覆刪除Dear Sir Ronald,
回覆刪除Thank you very much for your excellent coaching. I'm one of your DMS student at Summer 2008.
For being one of those rare person who are willing to go that extra miles for others; and for giving so much of yourself. I hope you know how much I appreciate you, and how grateful I am for your kindness, and how deeply your thoughtfulness and consideration have touched me!
I recognized your achievement, teaching innovation and helped me access to higher education -Master degree.
My honor to be your student and surely believe that your future students those are very lucky either.
Warmest regards and may God's blessings always with you and the family!
Fisa Tang
Master of University of New Castle
我是UOW 2012的BA(HONS)畢業生, 2009年Ronald sir 曾經教過Statistic, 他深入淺出的教學方式只花了三個月時間便令一個完全害怕計數甚至不會用計數機的學生變得對數字和數據敏銳。輕鬆的學習氣氛令學生們的不安減少, 遇到難題時老師棄用港式填鴨法教學並以勵志的故事去勉勵同學多用功。除了取得不錯的學分外, 課程學習到的數理分析在這數年成功在職場上大派用場, 謝謝老師!! R. Wu
回覆刪除Chik Sir,真係好多謝您在HKMA(灣仔)的ECON教學,面對著我這個對經濟一點興趣都沒有的學生,好在有您的幽默娛人娛己,令我對經濟產生了興趣,以前我喺中學時代ECON是習慣性不合格的,可說是一個徹底的經數"呆"人,到達點極都唔明的境界的; 但諗都諗唔到在HKMA上chik sir您ECON堂後,我覺得您教嘅內容好生活化,讓我好容易明白,例如您會將內容以城中熱話做比喻,讓我好容易理解,久而久之,我發現原來ECON並不難,只是有沒有好的老師教導而已; Chik Sir ^.^ 多謝您
回覆刪除I’m also one of the students of Mr. Chik. And I’m a DSE student who has just finished my public exams. I have been taught by Mr. Chik for almost 1 year in private tutorial lessons. I have to say that he is extremely capable, but very friendly and encouraging.
回覆刪除I am a student who loves to ask questions throughtout the process of learning. But, no matter what I asked about Maths and Economic, he could still give my accurate answers immediately.
Besides, he also put effort in helping me to solve specific problem of mine. In the past, it was almost impossible for me to finish the whole set of exam paper within the given time limit. In order to solve this problem, Mr. Chik taught me to manage some types of questions using quick methods, which I have never thought of before. And it does help a lot.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chik!! Thank you for being supportive all the time, especially.when I lost confidence in myself. Thank you for teaching me how to set up a timetable for revision ……….